
Superfeet Orthotics

Orthotics are inserts that are placed into the shoe to provide extra support and cushioning for the foot, and ultimately the rest of the body. Everyone’s feet are unique, and different activities demand different types of footwear. Taking these variables into account, it’s unrealistic to expect one insole to fit every shoe and every foot. That’s why Superfeet designs different models to improve the fit of all your footwear – whether you walk, run, ski, hike, snowboard, play basketball, or work all day on your feet. They are realy good value at £45 a pair.

Ordering the right size and Superfeet model is critical to your satisfaction. Foot type, footwear, and activity all play an important role in selecting the proper model and size. Poor foot alignment can lead to problems such as heel pain or plantarfascitis, and can also lead to hip, knee and lower back problems.

The human foot was designed to run and walk on uneven terrain. While the human foot has not changed in thousands of years, the surfaces we move on today are paved, flattened andunforgiving. Additional support and shock absorption is necessary under the foot to adapt to this type of surface. However, even natural, “off-road” or undeveloped trails are often still just as flat as pavement and asphalt. 

Too much of anything is bad for your foot. If you want to strengthen your foot muscles, you can try running on soft sand or an uneven grassy area for SHORT distances. Running on soft sand or grassy terrain for long distances runs the risk of pulling your muscles—again too much of this activity is bad for your foot. One way to strengthen the muscles in the feet is to do static non-weight bearing foot exercises with resistance bands. These various exercises can be found in many stretching books on how to build muscle strength.

Ideally before purchasing a pair of superfeet a video gait analysis (£50) would be performed and combined this with your history and assessment details help decide which orthotic would best support the individual foot. Superfeet Orthotics have a large range of styles enabling us to find the perfect fit at much less than half the price of a custom made product, which can cost in the region of £250. Superfeet insoles not only function to prevent injury, but also to enhance performance. Your foot will continue to do whatever it normally does—pronateor supinate—regardless of whether you are running barefoot, with or without Superfeet, or with any type of shoe. Wearing a good insole with a stable shoe will benefit your feet by slowing down and reducing the inherent tendency your foot has toward instability. Superfeet will help stabilize your foot, reduce fatigue, and protect your knees and back from the shock and impact of running. 

If you go with a softer shoe or run without Superfeet, your foot may travel inside your shoe and move out of alignment with your skeleton, risking a greater chance of stress, fatigue, and injury. For a healthier run, our recommendation would be to primarily use a good, supportive shoe with Superfeet to benefit from the improved biomechanical properties. If your goal is to strengthen your muscles by running on soft terrain, we advise you to proceed with caution based on the above information. You may find that you want to try your Superfeet with a cushioned shoe that does not offer the same mid-sole stability platform that a stable shoe offers. However, be aware that the softer shoe may allow your foot to travel in the wrong direction at the wrong time.

To learn more about Superfeet Premium Insoles visit their website at