Anti Inflammatory Nutrition

An apple a day keeps the doctor away so we were told as children. Most people who present at Spinal Joint have inflammation in their joints and many of them are taking anti inflammatory tablets. Take a drive down the main street of any town in the UK and you will see fast food restaurants that serve deep fried foods, burgers, and pizza. In supermarkets across the country you will see people loading up their trolley with pro-inflammatory desserts, corn oil, crisps, dips, frozen dinners, frozen pizza, and few anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables. 

Foods  rich in trans fats promote inflammation, lack anti oxidants and phytonutrients. In contrast, fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, particularly the green vegetables, have important anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to be disease-preventing. 

The latest Health Survey for England (HSE) data shows us that nearly 1 in 4 adults, and over 1 in 10 children aged 2-10, are obese. Obesity can have a severe impact on people’s health, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and heart and liver disease. There is also a significant burden on the NHS direct costs caused by obesity are estimated to be £4.2 billion per year and forecast to more than double by 2050

A good way to estimate how close you are to being at an appropriate weight for your height, is to determine your body mass index (BMI). Inflammation is increasingly being appreciated as the underlying cause of many diseases. Furthermore, it is important to realize that drugs, surgery, Complementary Therapies, massage,  exercise, and just plain hoping, cannot correct the inflammatory state created by pro-inflammatory foods.

The only way to reduce the inflammation created by diet is to correct the poor diet. Click here for anti inflammatory “De flaming” Guidelines In short, humans are genetically adapted to eat an anti-inflammatory diet; we are supposed to eat vegetation (fruits and vegetables) and animals that ate omega-3 containing vegetation. It is important to realize that omega-3 animal products are still available as wild game, grass/pasture fed meats, chicken and their omega-3 eggs. Only a small percentage (perhaps 10%) of calories in the current modern diet come from fruits and vegetables and virtually no calories come from omega-3 animal products.