Traditional chiropractic is not a specific “treatment” for any condition. Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between spinal joint dysfunction ( Vertebral Subluxation), peripheral nerves and the central nervous system. This is important because human physiology has the ability to adapt to any combination of physical, emotional and chemical stress. Our ability to adapt is regulated mainly by the Autonomic Nervous System and when that process is interfered with, health problems occur.
The problems people find that responds best to chiropractic care are musculoskeletal in nature because of the direct effect the spinal adjustment has on nerve receptors in spinal joints. The actual chiropractic care is very similar, regardless of the condition presented, because removing interference to nerve function is a major key to recovery & health.
- Low Back Pain & Sciatica
- Neck, Shoulder & Arm Pain
- Headaches
- Mid Back & Rib Pain
- General Muscle & Sports Injuries
- During Pregnancy
- Infants & Children
Spinal Joint Dysfunction (subluxation) & Wellbeing
Since the 1950’s our lifestyle has become increasingly sedentary. After thousands of years of evolution the human frame has had little time to adapt to this reduction in daily activity, resulting in a huge increase in spinal joint dysfunction, pain syndromes and health problems.
Most back problems presented at Spinal Joint, are mechanical in nature and respond well to manual therapy. Yes! pain medication can relieve symptoms, however it does nothing for the mechanical dysfunction of spinal joints which creates a vicious cycle of joint stiffness, muscle spasm and pain to begin. The huge increase in people with chronic pain is the result of inadequate management of the problem in its early stage, then the problem becomes chronic leading to arthritis later in life.
The spine protects the spinal cord, spinal joint (red) dysfunction affects the nervous system’s (yellow) ability to regulate healthy physiology (homoeostasis). Research shows “spinal mobilisation”, used by physical therapists affects the autonomic nervous system ; the control system for regulation of our physiological systems
The most recent guidelines for the treatment of Low Back pain, Produced by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend spinal manipulation and exercise for acute back pain rather than, most of the treatments the NHS offers like electro therapy, traction and injections.
Most of the problems we see in Spinal Joint while often debilitating for the person are not usually serious and respond quickly to chiropractic care. However with increasingly sedentary lives and poor posture, spinal stress reoccurs and the spine in particular struggles to adapt, resulting in stiffness, reduced range of motion of joints and that self perpetuating cycle of pain. Restoring joint motion with a “spinal adjustment” inhibits pain transmission, relaxes tight muscle and improves co-ordination. Returning to activity without the use of drugs improves general health and well-being.
The spine is a flexible column comprising 25 bones stacked on top of each other, the joints between each vertebra allow a small bit of motion, all the spinal joints moving together allow enough movement for you to touch your toes. The spine is divided into four regions: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine and sacrum.
Seen from side the spine has a S shape, which arises naturally due to vertebrae and disc shapes, the rib cage and angle of the sacrum bone. However bad working habits, will affect posture and the natural curves of the spine, placing extra stress on joints and surrounding soft tissues.
Primary role of spine:
- Supports body mass & withstands external forces
- Allows for mobility and flexibility
- Protects the spinal cord and nerves of the nervous system, which control muscle tension, transmit sensation, and supports the Autonomic Nervous System which regulates organ and cardio vasualr function which we reqire to maintain health.
- Trunk muscles & ligaments act on individual vertebrae for postural control & spinal stability.
Spinal joint dysfunction can interfere with the working ability of the nervous system, which can have debilitating consequences for one’s’ health and wellbeing. Therefore, in order to optimise your health, it is important to look after your spine, and soft tissues attached to it.
Most people know what they eat and drink the amount of exercise they take are vital for optimum health. What they may not realise is maintaining spinal function is a prerequisit for good health and wellbeing