The lumbar spine consists of the bottom five largest spinal vertebra and sits on the sacrum bone and pelvis. Between each vertebra are discs that act like shock absorbers. Five large lumbar and sacral nerves exit the spine and join together to form a plexus, which forms the sciatic nerve sometimes the source of referred leg pain for people with back and pelvis problems.
The lumbar spine supports the upper body and spine and transfers the weight from the spine into the pelvis and lower limbs as we perform activities such as sitting, standing or walking. When the spine has to alter shape for prolonged periods, during pregnancy, sleeping on front, or sitting at work, the soft tissue elements around joint get irritated, producing muscle spasm, stiffness and pain.
Common back conditions that patients present with at the Spinal Joint.
- Sacroiliac joint problems
- Disc prolapse (slipped disc)
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Vertebral Subluxation
- Muscle strain/Sprain
- Spinal stenosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Spondylolithesis
The lumbar spine is one of the greatest sources of pain in our society. Most people will experience some form of lower back pain in their lifetime, which can be very debilitating so it is important to seek treatment before the problem becomes chronic and harder to treat.
It is also important your core muscles are strong to support the back. Richard Lanigan has had many years of experience treating back pain as well as extensive knowledge of exercises that will help strengthen your core and back to prevent future episodes. The sad truth is back pain is caused by every day activities, its not something you cure, self management is the key, using information and exercise as first step and you may need some chiropractic adjustments to get you on your way.
Most of the scientific studies that have been done on chiropractic have been for low back pain and are generally favourable. A 2018 study published in the Journal of The American Medical Association, looked at the pros and cons of chiropractic care for treating low back pain. Researchers enrolled 750 active-duty military personnel who complained of back pain. Half were randomly assigned to receive usual care (including medications, self-care, and physical therapy) while the other half received usual care plus up to 12 chiropractic treatments.
After six weeks of treatment, those assigned to receive chiropractic care:
- reported less pain intensity
- experienced less disability and more improvement in function
- reported higher satisfaction with their treatment
- needed less pain medicine.
While no serious side effects were reported, about 10% of those receiving chiropractic care described adverse effects (mostly stiffness in the joints or muscles). Those receiving usual care had similar complaints
In 2017 the American College of Physicians (ACP) updated its guidelines for the treatment of acute and chronic low back pain to recommend first using non-invasive, non-drug treatments before resorting to drug therapies. ACP’s guidelines, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and based on a review of randomised controlled trials and observational studies, massage, and spinal manipulation (a centrepiece of chiropractic care) as possible options for non-invasive, non-drug therapies for low back pain ( This is similar to UK NICE guidelines which includes exercise as a central part of management). Only when such treatments provide little or no relief, should patients move on to medicines such as ibuprofen or muscle relaxants, which research indicates have limited pain-relief effects.
Richard Lanigan has had many years of experience adjusting spinal joints of people with back pain as well as extensive knowledge of exercises that will help strengthen your core and back to prevent future episodes.
Make an appointment before those niggles you feel each morning become chronic and much harder to treat.